By now, most of us have learned about the passing of Scott Gates, one of our members, a few weeks ago. Besides being an outstanding bridge player, Scott was known for his friendliness and pleasantness at the table.
    Scott’s family is holding a celebration of his life at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 25, at the Bridge Center. Following the celebration, Scott’s family is providing subs and chips for a meal. Some bridge friends are bringing beverages. Other bridge club members are asked to bring side dishes to round out the meal. Please contribute a dish if you can.
    There will be no bridge game on this date.

    Adam Burton is sponsoring a memorial bridge game in Scott’s honor. The sanctioned game is free to all players. It will be held on Thursday, August 15, at the Bridge Center.
    There will be a potluck meal prior to the game. All players are asked to bring food to contribute to the meal, which is slated for 12:30 pm. The bridge game will begin in the 1:00 timeframe.
  • Mark your calendar for these upcoming tournaments:

     The Dayton Summer Sectional will be held at the Bridge Center August 9 – 11.

      The next STAC tournament (Sectional Tournament at Clubs) is August 19 – 25. You can play in any of our games that week at the club and get Silver Points! 

      The Flying Buckeye Regional will be at Sinclair’s Clyo Road campus September 3 – 8.

  • Ask the director about a new MVBA Directory (no calendar).

  • The next Sat Eve Goodtime Game is on July 27th and is a NAP Game

  • Dayton Sponsored On-line Game

    Bill Gottschall (937-974-2159) has gone back to directing only one game on Wednesday evening – the 0-1250 starting at 7:00 pm.  All players in in ACBL Can still play in this game if they meet, or are less than, the game masterpoint limit. The cost is $6 per player. A good portion of all entry fees are returned to M.V.B.C. Please help us build up this game!

  • Unit Financial Reports provided by Tom Griswold, Treasurer and Investment Committee Chair. (Will be updated after each Board meeting.) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  •  Bridge Center Manager’s Report – MVBC Financial Status 

  • Check out ACBL’s “Bridge Feed ACBL’s Bridge Feed 

  • MVBA Bridge Library See the Director for check out and return of most books. There are “Reference Books” and “Historical Books” that are for perusing only and cannot be checked out. 
  • If you do not want your information in our online or printed booklet Directory, please let us know. The on-line version has a username (“directory”) and is password protected, so only our members have access. The files are not updated yet for 2024. Ask your director or Georgia for the password.